ALBA Robot submitted an application for funding on 19/07/2021 on the Smart&Start Italia DM 24 September 2014 G.U. no. 264 of 13 November 2014 and ss.mm.ii. call, and received the grant of a subsidised loan, interest-free, in the form of a reimbursable subsidy, for a maximum amount of EUR 692,670.72, equal to 80% of the eligible expenses for the implementation of the business plan referred to in Article 5, paragraph 3 of the Ministerial Decree of 24 September 2014 and ss.mm.ii.
The business plan, which will last 24 months, aims to develop and bring to market a connected self-driving vehicle for the transportation of Passengers with Reduced Mobility, within facilities such as airports, hospitals and museums. The technologies involved are those of robotics, sensors, artificial intelligence, integrated into a highly innovative product, not currently available on the market.
Most of the activities will be developed in-house through the Engineering team, which can now count on high-level professionalism and very specific engineering skills.